ABPNS Recertification
The ABPNS rules for recertification have changed to reflect the joint ABNS/ABPNS and and FRCS(C)/ABPNS process for recognition of ongoing focused practice in pediatric neurosurgery. This new process applies to all ABPNS diplomates applying for renewal of their ABPNS certification.
- Diplomates of the ABPNS, whether jointly or independently certified must successfully stay current on their continuous certification (CC) tasks in the myABNS portal.
- Effective January 1, 2024, recertification candidates are no longer required to apply for recertification, submit a recent case log and pay a recertification fee. Instead, a yearly surgical case log attestation has been added to the list of myABNS CC tasks for all ABPNS diplomates and those with a recognized focused practice (RFP) in pediatric neurological surgery.
- If the diplomate is current on all required aspects of recertification, a new ten-year time limited subspecialty credential in pediatric neurological surgery will be issued upon expiration of the current ABPNS or RFP subspecialty credential in pediatric neurological surgery.
- ABPNS Diplomates who, prior to January 1, 2017, received separate initial certification from the ABPNS and the ABNS or RCPSC, are eligible to receive a renewal subspecialty credential in pediatric neurological surgery (certificates jointly issued by the ABPNS and the ABNS or RCPSC), upon the expiration of their current certificate.
- ABPNS Diplomates who received an initial subspecialty credential with recognition of a focused practice (RFP) in pediatric neurological surgery (certificate jointly issued by the ABPNS and the ABNS or RCPSC), are eligible to receive a renewal Diplomate subspecialty credential jointly issued by the ABPNS and the ABNS or RCPSC), upon the expiration of their then-current Certificate.
- If any Diplomate holds a non-time limited Certificate from the ABNS or RCPSC but a time-limited Certificate from the ABPNS, and fails to stay current on CC he or she will, upon expiration of his or her ABPNS Certification, be deemed a Diplomate of the ABNS or RCPSC, but not the ABPNS.
- Diplomates of the ABPNS who fail to participate in CC and maintain their subspecialty credential in accordance with the bylaws, rules and regulations will have their names removed from the roster of active diplomates of the Board.
- Pursuant to the Standards established by the ABNS and the RCPSC, the ABNS or RCPSC Directors shall have the authority to revoke or suspend any subspecialty credential issued jointly by the ABNS or RCPSC and the ABPNS, according to the ABNS or RCPSC bylaws, procedures, and policies.
- Be currently certified by the ABPNS.
- Unencumbered certification by the ABNS or the RCPSC.
- Documentation of ongoing continuous certification (CC) by the ABNS or RCPS(C) as evidenced by enrollment in and ongoing annual participation. (https://www.abns.org/cc-moc-requirements/) This applies to all ABPNS diplomates including those ABNS Diplomates who are non-time limited certificate holders, as well as those certified by the RCPSC.
- Evidence of an unencumbered state or provincial license to practice medicine evidenced by active participation in ABNS CC. Evidence of unencumbered staff privileges in each hospital at which the applicant practices. The chief of staff questionnaire will suffice.
- Payment of all annual assessments, and annual fee required for adaptive learning/CC.
- Maintaining ABPNS certification is contingent upon ABNS certification and/or fellowship status with the Royal College.
- The ABPNS Credentials Committee may request submission of a case log.
- Subsequent submission of case data selected by the Credentials Committee from the submitted case log may be required upon request.
All ABPNS diplomates are subject to the rules as outlined above for the subspecialty credential and will receive a joint ABNS/ABPNS or FRCS(C)/ABPNS subspecialty credential as appropriate. Failure to pay dues or to remain current in the continuous certification process of the ABNS/ABPNS will result in revocation of joint certification and removal from the ABPNS website listing of certified diplomates.